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Title: Everything about Sunny 1000 [Sunny 1000 spotlighted by sunburst]
1966.04 2-door Datsun 1000
Format:32 page booklet Size:18.3x25.cm Publication Number:unspecified
Datsun Sunny 1000 introductory booklet
The ultimate compact family car that leads the 1000cc era
Contents |
DATSUN Sunny 1000
Everything about Sunny 1000
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Table of Contents
サニーSunny) 陽気で,快活で、明るくさわやかで、太陽がいっぱい ……
Sunny is cheerful, lively, bright, refreshing, full of sunshine...
しかも、 シャープな近代感覚
<イ ……· もちろん経済車です
And it's full of sharp modernity, stylish and sporty... and of course it's an economical car. This is the ultimate compact family car that leads the 1000cc era.
The full force of Nissan Motors is firmly packed into the Sunny.
サニー 1000 のすべて 目次
All about Sunny 1000 Table of Contents
3-5 The Sunny is Japan's leading 1000cc compact family car. A look at the history ...
6-11 Full of Sun...
As the name suggests, this is a bright car that is full of sunshine – from its interior and exterior design to its body color
● Interior Description 9
● Comparison to other cars 10
● Instrument Description 11
12-16 Experience the power of a mid-size GT by driving it. Check out the maneuverability that rivals a 1500cc sports car with engine, operation and performance figures.
● Engine explanation 13
● Comparison...13
17-24 What promises comfort: ride comfort and livability
25-27 Think about the economy of a product that will live up to your trust for a long time, from purchase to maintenance and durability.
28-29 Comparison of main specifications and prices of Sunny and its neighboring cars
30 Wide range of accessories
サニー Sunny が日本を代表する… 1000cc本格源コンパクトファミリーカー 登場の背景をヨーロッパと日本のモータリゼーションにさぐる Sunny is Japan's leading... 1000cc compact family car. Exploring the background to its emergence in the context of motorization in Europe and Japan.
■ 850万人による“本もの”の判定
だから, 850万の応募は,もっともデばな事1000ccへの期待であり、夹然と望んで
■ 8.5 million people decide that it is the real deal
The 8.5 million postcards submitted to the public contest for the name of the Datsun Sunny 1000 should be considered carefully.
If the name had been a full-size car like an American car, or if it had not been a Nissan, or if it had not been a 1000cc car. In other words, if it had been a 360cc minicar or a 600cc to 700cc small car, the 8.5 million responses would not have been possible.
When people talked about pet names in the living room or in the office, it is easy to imagine that expectations for family cars and the image of a "real deal" that people had of this car overlapped with this car.
So, the 8.5 million submissions were the most expected thing, a 1000cc car, and should be understood as the "decision" of the people that something they had been hoping for had arrived.
■ 日本もヨーロッパも条件は同じ
■ The conditions are the same in Japan and Europe.
Full of Sun
Available in all models that are 2-door sedan at the introduction of the Sunny 1000
その名のとおり明るく太陽がいっぱいの車––内外 のデザインからボディ·カラーまでを見よう ■ 前向きの姿勢をもつ、 2ドア車
As the name suggests, this car is bright and full of sunshine – from the interior to the exterior Let's take a look at the design and body color ■ A 2-door car with a forward-looking attitude
S Sunny
Nissan Motor