Obtain an electronic distributor from an E15(E?)/N12 Nissan Pulsar. Fit a drive gear from an A series distributor, drill a new hole in the shaft, grind, file and drill the housing. Plug it in. Cost is about $65 AUD for a used distributor from the wreckers.
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Using a 3mm pin punch, remove the roll pin from an A-series distributor. Remove the gear from the shaft. Do the same for the retaining ring on the E-series distributor. Fit the A-series gear onto the E-series distributor shaft. Before drilling a new hole for the roll pin, ensure there is sufficient end float at the top of the gear. (Use a shim or similar when drilling). The clearance required is minimal but is needed to ensure the distributor spins freely. What is the spec for this clearance on the original distributor?
For the adjuster bracket unscrew and remove the plate from the A-series distributor. Install onto the E-series and mark it with a scribe on the original alloy (part of the housing) adjuster bracket.
One method for fixing the adjuster plate is to drill and pin it to the housing. (Use the leftover roll pin) and ensure it sits above the bottom surface of the plate.
Need more information, photos, template etc for re-shaping of E-series housing. Also alternative methods of mounting.
Install the new distributor (see Distributor Installation. Use the old adjuster plate as a spacer. This is necessary as the hole on the gear sits higher than the hole on the shaft. Thus drilling a new hole on the shaft means the gear is further down the shaft (The distance between the two holes can be measured to be approximately the same as the thickness of the spacer plate. Clarify above with photos.
- Black/White wire to POSITIVE coil connector
- Blue wire to NEGATIVE coil connector.
The original white wire which connects from the negative? side of the coil to the points is not used and can be removed.
The black wire from the tab on the vacuum diaphragm can also be left off. The same applies to the black wire from the positive? side of the coil to the body (via a capacitor) Need to check 120Y diagrams to confirm they are just for noise suppression.
Use the Pulsar coil or a performance coil.
Works with resistor bypassed (shorted). Is this correct as per original Pulsar setup? Confirm with N12? wiring diagram.
Has anyone dynoed the different configurations? Is it reasonable to expect a (slight) increase in power?
Cap and Rotor
Cap and rotor: The "standard" E15 rotor is the conventional style, same style as the A-series that is. This E15E Distributor has a round item that is fastened to the top plate where the centrifugal weights are and covers them completely. So the cap needs to be taller then the "standard" E15 item!
I don't understand this bit but I'm leaving it in until I clarify it.
Part numbers are
Need to confirm alternate sources for distributor. Mitsubishi 4G15?
Add part numbers for Pulsar distributor.
A-series wiring colours mentioned are from an A15 (1980 Sunny). Should be the same for A12/A14 models.
Image:Http://datsun1200.com/modules/myalbum/photo.php?lid=20215 D4R83-30 Shaft
Image:Http://datsun1200.com/modules/myalbum/photo.php?lid=20213 D4R83-36 Shaft
Image:Http://datsun1200.com/modules/myalbum/photo.php?lid=20212 D4R83-36 Unit