There are basically four factory camshaft grinds:
- small bore grind
- large bore grind
- performance grind, used in GX, Twin-carb, and EFI engines
- emission grind, used in 1981-1982 USA engines
However, these can be fitted to any engine. The emission grind cam was used in A12A, A14 and A15 engine -- all with same cam part number.
"Advertised Duration" means you should only compare these numbers with grinds from the same manufacturer. Other vendors may measure it differently.
- 13001-H9800 CAMSHAFT [Typical use: 1981-1982 USA]
- 244/248 duration
- USA B310 A14,A15 B310 0880-
- USA B310 A12A 0880- B310
- 13001-H5700 CAMSHAFT [Typical use: Performance engine]
- 248/256 duration .331 lift
- JPN B210 A12T, A14T
- JPN B310 A14E, A15E
- 13001-H5000 CAMSHAFT [Typical use: A12S]
- 248/248 duration
- JPN B120 A12S
- JPN B210 A12S
- JPN B310 A12S, A13S
- USA B310 A12A 0879-0780
- CAN B310 A12A
- 13001-H6200 ASSY-CAMSHAFT [Typical use: A14/A15]
- 248/256 duration
- JPN B210 A14S
- USA B210 A13, A14
- USA B210 F10 A14
- USA B310 A14,A15 -0780
- JPN B310 A14S, A15S
248/248 duration (standard small bore)
- 13001-H5000
248/256 duration (standard large bore)
- 13001-H6200
256/256 duration (performance engines)
- 13001-H5700 .331 lift
244/248 duration (Late USA emission)
- 13001-H9800
- 13001-H7000 ASSY-CAMSHAFT USA B110 A12 0772- 0 13001-H2300
- 13001-H2300 CAMSHAFT B110 JPN A12 GX
- 13001-H1000 CAMSHAFT B110 USA JPN A12
- 13001-18001 CAMSHAFT B10 JPN A10 0470- replaces 13001-18000 & 13001-H0100
- 13001-18000 CAMSHAFT JPN B10 A10
- 13001-H0100 CAMSHAFT JPN B10 A10
248/248 duration
- 13001-H1000 A12
256/256 duration .331 lift
- 13001-H2300 A12 GX