Anyone is welcome to add to our Datsun 1200 knowledge base, or just create a page to show off your Datsun 1200 modifications. Feel free to edit existing articles too.
Request a Page
PM ddgonzal and he can create a page for you to get started. It will take 1-3 days for a response.
Create It Yourself
You can create a new page by modifying the Address (URL) in your browser's address bar.
1. As you are reading this page, note that the URL is:
2. Click in the address bar and change the ending from "Create_New_Page" to whatever you want the new article to be.
3. Press ENTER and it will take you to the new page.
4. Click EDIT at the top of the page and start typing.
Alternate Method
Alternatively, you can "edit" any existing page and add a wiki link to the new page. Click "Preview" to see the new link, it should appear in red (meaning the link is for a new page that hasn't been created yet). Click the red link, then click EDIT at the top of the page and start typing. For example: add something like: [[My New Page]], preview it, then click the link to start the new page. You don't have to save the edited old page.