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Title: DATSUN Sunny 1200/1400 [blue PB210 sedan in showroom]
1973? sedan & coupe B210 & PB210 PB210
Format:16? page booklet Size:25.5 wide Publication Number:unspecified
Contents |
DATSUN Sunny 1200 1400 Excellent
standing sunny: It's special! Sunny from now on.
Brochure Feature: Sunny-chan
variation: whistling sunny「It's always a sunny day」
くらをそろえて ここ、そこ、あそこ。
All together
Here, there, over there.
1200 Sedans
1400 Sedan
1400 Coupe
KPB210 at the beach
1200 Model Series
1200 Sedan Series & 1200 Coupe Series - 30 models, 16 types
NOTE: differs slightly from Red Coupe brochure and Green_Coupe pages
16車種30タイプ GRADE MODEL COLOR INTERIOR サニー1200セダンシリース GX* 4door white blue (op. 5speed) GL 4door blue blue (op. auto) GL 2door gold red (op. auto) DX 4door blue black (op. auto) DX 2door white black (op. auto) Semi DX 4door white black Semi DX 2door white black サニー1200クーペシリース GX Coupe white blue GL Coupe gold red (op. auto) DX Coupe blue black
*GX 80PS 160km/h NissanMatic Floor Type ニッサンマチック・フロアタイプ
1400 Model Series & 1200/1400 Specifications
1400 Sedan Series (GX/GL/DX) | 1400 Coupe Series (GX/GL/DX)
サニーエクセレント1400セダンシリース GX purple w/blue interior 95PS 165km/h op. 5speed op. NissanMatic GL brown w/blue interior 85PS 155km/h DX white w/black interior
サニーエクセレント1400クーペシリース GX Coupe purple with blue interior 5speed option NissanMatic option GL Coupe green with red interior NissanMatic option DX Coupe blue with brown interior
1400 GL wood steering wheel
* INVOLVE * natural size wiper knob (2.5cm) * high-back bucket seats * 5-speed gearbox * natural size: half crownᵂ 1950 (3.2cm) * hatch
Back Cover
KB210 at compass fountain コンパス噴水