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inner rear quarter repair
sikdatto1200 2007/2/27 20:42 Tell a friend
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note that its welded properally just slapped silicone over the top so it looks neeter and extra protection! |
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john_13961 |
Posted: 2007/2/28 6:46 Updated: 2007/2/28 6:46 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2003/9/5 From: Brisbane Australia Posts: 386 |
 Re: inner rear quarter repair sikaflex is a little costs a little more but a way better product for that job
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dattodude |
Posted: 2007/2/28 6:56 Updated: 2007/2/28 6:56 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 1998/12/6 From: Sydney, Australia Posts: 5806 |
 Re: inner rear quarter repair Not wanting to put a downer on your good work, but..
Did you know that most silicon has an acid base? And will promote rust? Don't use it in rust repairs!
Sikaflex and Dripcheck are the products you should be using.
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sikdatto1200 |
Posted: 2007/2/28 7:26 Updated: 2007/2/28 7:26 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2003/2/25 From: adelaide Posts: 466 |
 Re: inner rear quarter repair cheers fellas i didnt know that, dodgy silicone! Ah well least i aplied it over the paint i spose, probly should have left it as was maybe