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My Ute
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SubmitterDatto7More Photos from Datto7   Last Update2007/8/29 5:25    Tell a friendTell a friend
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My Ute for sale here

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/8/29 10:34  Updated: 2007/8/29 10:34
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2005/8/8
From: The garage, NZ
Posts: 1922
 Re: My Ute
roo hunting? thing looks brutal
nice ute

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/8/29 22:56  Updated: 2007/8/29 22:56
Home away from home
Joined: 2004/3/3
From: Toowoomba QLD
Posts: 430
 Re: My Ute
close enough cheater_5, it protects my ute from those bugger roos (I often drive out on country roads and the roos are thicker than blondes on bondai at the moment), oh and it is brutally heavy, takes two blokes to lift it. The previous owner made it and I just kept it on there. If it helps any, I think it looks just bloody ordinary too but its better than a dented datto.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/8/31 18:28  Updated: 2007/8/31 18:28
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/2/14
From: Coondle, WA Australia
Posts: 2256
 Re: My Ute
Any car the regulary leaves the bright lights of a city has the right i use a bar of some kind. Yeah it might not be pretty, but like you said, it beats having a roo in your lap.

I dont think that it makes the car look any worse, but then again I am a little biased towards utes and bars....

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/8/29 5:53  Updated: 2007/8/29 5:53
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2006/6/8
From: Brisvegas, oz
Posts: 2173
 Re: My Ute
shame on you for putting such an ugly bull bar on the front these utes look so much better without

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/8/29 6:15  Updated: 2007/8/29 6:15
Home away from home
Joined: 2004/3/3
From: Toowoomba QLD
Posts: 430
 Re: My Ute
Yeah thanks for that.
At the moment it serves a purpose. So it is more for function than design.