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Main : Misc Nickname: gorgeous

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Nickname: gorgeous
Nickname: gorgeousPopular
SubmitterVelocitiMore Photos from Velociti   Last Update2008/6/24 6:36    Tell a friendTell a friend
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My Buddies A15 UTE

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/6/26 7:35  Updated: 2008/6/26 7:35
Home away from home
Joined: 2007/5/18
From: South Africa
Posts: 729
 Re: Nickname: gorgeous
This is a 1979 model. The body and grill is still origanal, as my buddys father bought this new in 1979 and all that was changed in the engine. A12 to a A15. Yes, is still has the 120Y badging on the back.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/6/26 7:42  Updated: 2008/6/26 7:42
Home away from home
Joined: 2007/10/9
From: South Brisbane, QLD
Posts: 778
 Re: Nickname: gorgeous
Well in Ozzland, my old ute was 1976 and had plastic grill...

Dont go much on the bench seats, my old boys HQ ute had one and so did my old van, just dont like them... besides, in a datto the seats are that far over that the missus isnt out of reach anyways...

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/6/24 7:04  Updated: 2008/6/24 7:04
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/10/13
From: newcastle, NSW
Posts: 1691
 Re: Nickname: gorgeous
this is an older model? what year did they start to have square headlights?

Has sunraysiers on it too!(4wd rims)

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/6/24 7:12  Updated: 2008/6/24 7:12
Home away from home
Joined: 2007/10/9
From: South Brisbane, QLD
Posts: 778
 Re: Nickname: gorgeous
1987, they started with the new shape and square lights, this one is older than 1976 because it has the old metal grill (unless it was changed), not sure exactly what year it was they changed the grill but it was before 1976.

EDIT: It also has the bench seat, did this only come out in South Africa??

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/6/24 15:32  Updated: 2008/6/24 15:32
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2006/7/12
From: Cape Town ZA
Posts: 1054
 Re: Nickname: gorgeous
It would seem that we were the only country to have the bench seats. I'm sure I saw 80's models with metal grilles and round lights, but I might be mistaken. However, since we are the dumping site of everything left over, I wouldn't be surprised if we had the metal and rounds longer than the rest...

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/6/24 23:12  Updated: 2008/6/24 23:12
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31668
 Re: Nickname: gorgeous
1975 had plastic grille in Japan. 1973 had metal. It's not clear what happened with 1974s, maybe they skipped 1974.

So did they call that a 120Y?

Me want bench seat ... old school. I wonder if a bench out of some other pickup might fit? Maybe a Datsun 320 pickup bench.