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My 1200
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Submitteraca18tMore Photos from aca18t   Last Update2008/10/18 12:44    Tell a friendTell a friend
Hits1821  Comments3    0.00 (0 votes)0.00 (0 votes)
Transbrake Jatco full manual reverse pattern 26 spline billet input and output shafts from BMS Billet valve body as well check out his website if you dont believe me

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/10/19 9:22  Updated: 2008/10/19 9:22
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2004/7/7
From: Ashmore Gold Coast QLD
Posts: 129
 Re: My 1200
BMS transmission website


Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/10/19 7:15  Updated: 2008/10/19 7:15
Home away from home
Joined: 2000/5/17
From: Los Angeles,CA. USA
Posts: 227
 Re: My 1200
Whats the website?? Can you post a link??
I did a google search...did not find it!