Ah well I don't really know, maybe we have em ( Gloria) but it's most likely called something esle.
I didn't really pick the car motor combo. The Rover motor WAS going to have a motorcycle built around it, the project died on the drawing table, so I saved the motor and all the crap we got with it.
If I had it to do all over again?, I might pick something else, IDK. One thing about these motors is, it's all standard issue stuff, parts are very cheap and EZ to work with.
I've had quite a few buick 215's, still have a bare block and heads for test fitting and setting up the headers, mounts and so on. The block is like 75lbs, I can pick it up and set it in the car by hand.
Most all the other late model v8's, Nissan's Toyota's or anything Alum is more money than I have to spend. I've had the motor longer than we've had the car, my son and I had to find something to put it in.