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beattie |
Posted: 2009/1/17 6:00 Updated: 2009/1/17 6:00 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2005/10/16 From: Perth WA Posts: 2134 |
 Re: custom manifold2 Wouldnt that make it a bit hard to tune with the different length runners? How come you made a custom manifold in the first place and not use a off the shelf item?
Points for being original though
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revhead001 |
Posted: 2009/1/17 6:10 Updated: 2009/1/17 6:10 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2008/3/15 From: Melbourne Posts: 2742 |
 Re: custom manifold2 That would be because it is for an oval port head and a single dcoe. Canon manifolds are just too hard to get.
Beattie your right though. It really needs to have the same length runners to get it running right. The long runners would make it like tunnel rams up high. Thumbs up
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ROConnor |
Posted: 2009/1/17 7:54 Updated: 2009/1/17 7:54 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2008/2/17 From: Melbourne, Oz Posts: 2029 |
 Re: custom manifold2 I'm sure I'v sean an old factory racing or nissmo one or something that had two on an angle!?
Wouldent the leng beffor the carb be the more importent one as far as tuneing is concernd?
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ddgonzal |
Posted: 2009/1/17 7:57 Updated: 2009/1/17 7:57 |
Moderator   Joined: 2001/5/3 From: 48 North Posts: 31669 Online! |
 Re: custom manifold2 I think it'll run just fine with unequal length runners -- certainly manifolds with plenums have no problem. Of course again it is 'best' to have equal lengths.
That reminds me...one bore feeding two cylinders changes the sizing of the carburetor considerably...what is the effect on that now let me think