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Main : Wallpapers Datto Love 1024 x 768

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Datto Love 1024 x 768
Datto Love 1024 x 768Popular
Submitter4NIK8More Photos from 4NIK8   Last Update2004/6/29 9:12    Tell a friendTell a friend
Hits11673  Comments5    9.50009.50 (2 votes)
Something i put together while i shoulda been working. hope you like it, if ya dont, bad luck :) if ya want a better quality wallpaper, pm me ;)

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/2/17 15:25  Updated: 2006/2/17 15:25
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2005/10/7
From: south coast nsw
Posts: 1072
 Re: Datto Love 1024 x 768
looks good mate,sometimes people have to be a bit less serious and get more of an imagination uv done good here,
10 stars.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/6/29 9:15  Updated: 2004/6/29 9:15
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/11/4
From: Melbourne, Victoria
Posts: 638
 Re: Datto Love 1024 x 768
theres my two cents :) hope you all like it..

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/6/29 9:49  Updated: 2004/6/29 9:49
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2002/8/3
From: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Posts: 132
 Re: Datto Love 1024 x 768
Nice work mate - one question - is the sticker on the tailgate actually there or is it added in Photoshop? Might just wanna change the spelling of 'jelouse' to 'jealous'.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/6/29 10:12  Updated: 2004/6/29 10:12
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/11/4
From: Melbourne, Victoria
Posts: 638
 Re: Datto Love 1024 x 768
oh lol, its photochoped heh, bugga.. muh bad

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/6/29 13:33  Updated: 2004/6/29 13:33
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/3/15
From: Perth Western Australia
Posts: 1018
 Re: Datto Love 1024 x 768
hmmmm... if you drop it that far, your gonna have to put some bumps in the bonnet for wheel clearance... and the sills will probably be on the ground....
so easy in photoshop
looks sik but!!!!