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Dodgeman |
Posted: 2007/7/12 13:48 Updated: 2007/7/12 13:48 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster) Joined: 2003/6/27 From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia Posts: 8287 |
Re: Reassembly What Josh hasn't mentioned is that the wiring is now all hidden. There are also quite a number of firewall holes that have been welded up too, notice it now?
Notice the size of the hole on the right side of the radiator [left in the picture] where the original aircon condenser goes. Obviously these late Utes use a different radiator support panel as our 1200's use a much smaller cutout.
This has become quite a production, but it lifts the bar just a little bit more & that can only be a good thing.
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2332owner |
Posted: 2007/7/13 1:44 Updated: 2007/7/13 1:44 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster) Joined: 2003/5/5 From: Okinawa, Japan Posts: 1292 |
Re: Reassembly Yes this is the fun part. It's driveable at this stage and I had to move it from one building to another for the typhoon that's now overhead here. That was fun.
All the wiring that normally runs through the engine bay for the lights, wipers, and engine crap (to include battery) is hidden and runs either behind the dash (wipers) or through the driver's fenderwell for a cleaner look. The loom you see wrapped around the rad. support is the wiring for the passenger lights and horns which will go under the rad. support and across to the other side.
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WhiteSedan |
Posted: 2007/7/12 12:30 Updated: 2007/7/12 12:30 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster) Joined: 2004/7/15 From: Adelaide, Australia Posts: 3931 |
Re: Reassembly Ahh thats the fun part!
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Lachie |
Posted: 2007/7/12 13:13 Updated: 2007/7/12 13:13 |
Home away from home Joined: 2007/3/12 From: Canberra Posts: 907 |
Re: Reassembly Looks like it will have a very tidy engine bay when its all back together again