thanks guys nah its the uni filter one, comes with another big foam filter/stripper to go over the whole thing again ... bit of over kill for the little i drive the car but would make it all a damn site easier to clean then pulling the whole thing apart hardest part of fitting it is making templates that fit over the carb mounts and all line up then cutting it out of the alloy back plate
lookin good, i agree with wat rally car said more carby then engine this is something that has always amazed me with a series when you see webers and they cover the whole side of the engine bay...when i had the turbo twin dellorto setup the turbo and carbies were actually wider than the whole engine except for the sump ps i wish i had waited to see how the "boofbar" as it is known is meant to be welded together this way looks much tidier than mine and probly easier to weld....
you must be thinking of stainless steel, any form of iron will rust whether hardened softened or otherwise. except for alloys which is completely different...
12months later and mine still isn't painted its a unifilter filter go here unifilter and this is the part number UR425 50 KIT the kits $150 plus post from memory ... plus you have to cut all the holes in the mounting plate to suit your setup.