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Main : Meetings Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan

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Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan
Wow! Turbo 2-Dr SedanPopular
SubmitterddgonzalMore Photos from ddgonzal   Last Update2008/1/26 10:36    Tell a friendTell a friend
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Y nobody mention this B4?

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/1/27 18:56  Updated: 2008/1/27 18:56
Home away from home
Joined: 2005/3/1
From: Costa Mesa, CA
Posts: 152
 Re: Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan
yea, needs just a lil more camber. ha.. i actually took a couple of degrees out last month. drove it around los angeles yesterday with the girl. i'm probably going to the show in oxnard on feb 3rd. i can't wait to track it..

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/1/27 19:32  Updated: 2008/1/27 19:32
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/10/6
From: Midway City, California
Posts: 342
 Re: Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan
ill see you there bro

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/1/26 16:27  Updated: 2008/1/26 16:27
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/10/6
From: Midway City, California
Posts: 342
 Re: Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan
i parked next to him
his sedan is pretty sweet
i liked how the wheels did the whole
slanted thing /------\

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/1/26 10:38  Updated: 2008/1/26 10:38
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31636
 Re: Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan
This picture is from Auto Otaku's blog about JCCS 2007 held last fall in Long Beach, California:

CA18DET Datsun 1200 2-dr Sedan

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/1/26 10:51  Updated: 2008/1/26 10:51
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/9/23
Posts: 2809
 Re: Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan
Its been on this forum for a number of years. Im sure you just havent noticed it with paint.


Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/1/26 11:19  Updated: 2008/1/26 11:19
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2007/5/23
From: Wagga Wagga, NSW
Posts: 1250
 Re: Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan
I have this exact picture thought it was already up so didnt post it =/ aw well some on has brought it to the rest of you to drool over now...

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/1/26 21:13  Updated: 2008/1/26 21:13
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31636
 Re: Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan
Thanks, I didn't recognize it with shiny paint:


America's only CA18DET 1200?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/1/27 0:19  Updated: 2008/1/27 0:19
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/12/3
From: Christchurch NZ
Posts: 3707
 Re: Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan
Looks mean! Needs a bit more camber though

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/1/27 3:26  Updated: 2008/1/27 3:26
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2003/10/10
Posts: 125
 Re: Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan
it was pretty impressive to watch leave, as he spun the tires easily through the gears with out dumping the clutch, Mois, I liked your sedan also. pretty clean.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/1/27 4:14  Updated: 2008/1/27 4:14
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/10/6
From: Midway City, California
Posts: 342
 Re: Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan
thanks... next year my engine will be rebuilt, painted same as the car and it will have twin carbies, if i can get my hands on a manifold

Poster Thread
Posted: 2008/1/27 4:47  Updated: 2008/1/27 4:47
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31636
 Re: Wow! Turbo 2-Dr Sedan
On this cold and rainy day, I went to the car show by reviewing the 2007 JCCS photos.

Enjoy this recap of all the 1200 activity at last fall's JCCS: JCCS

Lots of pictures!