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Velociti |
Posted: 2008/2/21 6:43 Updated: 2008/2/21 6:43 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2007/5/18 From: South Africa Posts: 729 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. Hey Cheater_5 I think we would all like to see you talent. Try chopping this one. 
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Velociti |
Posted: 2008/2/21 6:38 Updated: 2008/2/21 6:38 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2007/5/18 From: South Africa Posts: 729 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. Sorry mate, but you have to agree, my version looks better than the chopped yellow one with no wheel centres.
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Velociti |
Posted: 2008/2/21 4:44 Updated: 2008/2/21 4:44 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2007/5/18 From: South Africa Posts: 729 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. Dont worry mate, your drawing was great from the beginning. I was just expressing my own artistic flare. All the credit for this drawing should still go to Cheater_5.
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wolki101 |
Posted: 2008/2/21 5:08 Updated: 2008/2/21 5:08 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2006/11/18 From: ACT Aus Posts: 940 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. while i don't agree with copying of someone elses work, especially when they specifically ask not to, it is the internet and it is to be expected.
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cheater_5 |
Posted: 2008/2/21 5:31 Updated: 2008/2/21 5:31 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2005/8/8 From: The garage, NZ Posts: 1922 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. Quote: I was just expressing my own artistic flare. Artistic flare? you removed the stripes and the sticker. And cut off half of it into a ute. So its pretty much bare apart from the mags i put on it. And for the record it always had a rear bumper. It takes a long time to make one of these in illistrator and about 15mins for you to strip it bare in MS paint. Cheers mate nice work. Im not one to be pissed from something so stupid especially on the net (coz its a fuking stupid thing to do) but that just sets me off. 
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TUF-110 |
Posted: 2008/2/21 5:54 Updated: 2008/2/21 5:54 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2007/5/23 From: Wagga Wagga, NSW Posts: 1250 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. Its not the first time this has happened to you Cheater_5 Cheater_5 rip off
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cheater_5 |
Posted: 2008/2/21 5:56 Updated: 2008/2/21 5:56 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2005/8/8 From: The garage, NZ Posts: 1922 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. and that was even worse coz they look like #### making the already half ass picture that i did look harsh.
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wolki101 |
Posted: 2008/2/21 5:58 Updated: 2008/2/21 5:58 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2006/11/18 From: ACT Aus Posts: 940 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. last time it didn't seem like you minded.
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cheater_5 |
Posted: 2008/2/21 6:03 Updated: 2008/2/21 6:03 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2005/8/8 From: The garage, NZ Posts: 1922 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. that was the first time and it wasnt the greatest. took me aaaageess though in photoshop using the line tool. Something like 4 thousand lines. The wheels where shocking though. I had a lot more patience that time then now.
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L18_B110 |
Posted: 2008/2/21 6:06 Updated: 2008/2/21 6:06 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2002/8/6 From: Brisbane, Australia Posts: 3792 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. what's the big deal?
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cheater_5 |
Posted: 2008/2/21 6:15 Updated: 2008/2/21 6:15 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2005/8/8 From: The garage, NZ Posts: 1922 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. no deal. im over it now.
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L18_B110 |
Posted: 2008/2/21 7:45 Updated: 2008/2/21 7:45 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2002/8/6 From: Brisbane, Australia Posts: 3792 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. Quote: Poster: cheater_5 Date: 2008/2/21 16:15:53
no deal. im over it now. yeah, looks like it. the photo album page is full of your deleted pics. that'll show em. how dare someone make a ute out of your wagon line drawing!
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cheater_5 |
Posted: 2008/2/21 7:59 Updated: 2008/2/21 7:59 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2005/8/8 From: The garage, NZ Posts: 1922 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. thanks for your lighter view. I just didnt feel like they needed to be up anymore. Havnt stoped posting anything datsun tech related. jeez
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cheater_5 |
Posted: 2008/2/20 20:10 Updated: 2008/2/20 20:10 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2005/8/8 From: The garage, NZ Posts: 1922 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. you really HAD to? Shows something about you doesnt it? Cheers Last time i post any of my drawings.
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Mitch_photog |
Posted: 2008/2/20 20:30 Updated: 2008/2/20 20:30 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2007/10/9 From: South Brisbane, QLD Posts: 778 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. Dont worry mate, just means you must have done a good job in the first place...
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2332owner |
Posted: 2008/2/20 22:58 Updated: 2008/2/20 22:58 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2003/5/5 From: Okinawa, Japan Posts: 1292 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. Looks good with a rear bumper.
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Velociti |
Posted: 2008/2/20 15:20 Updated: 2008/2/20 15:20 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2007/5/18 From: South Africa Posts: 729 |
 Re: Sorry Cheater 5, I had to. Bump