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minitruckin |
Posted: 2008/5/26 5:58 Updated: 2008/5/26 5:58 |
Just can't stay away   Joined: 2006/9/26 From: The Shire Sydney Posts: 81 |
 Re: malaysian drift project looks hot... 
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rupertscoupe |
Posted: 2008/5/26 7:07 Updated: 2008/5/26 7:07 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2008/3/17 From: BRISBANE, QLD Posts: 249 |
 Re: malaysian drift project oh good lord 
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revhead001 |
Posted: 2008/5/26 8:35 Updated: 2008/5/26 8:35 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 2008/3/15 From: Melbourne Posts: 2742 |
 Re: malaysian drift project The Fast and the Furious go old school. For an asian car it is missing alot of reflectors!
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BAD310 |
Posted: 2008/5/26 15:07 Updated: 2008/5/26 15:07 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2005/11/15 From: Gold Coast Australia Posts: 752 |
 Re: malaysian drift project I doubt it would have an ounce of trouble stopping with front brakes like them. Those rear wheels need to be wider or have spacers or anything, it needs something to fill out the guard.