IRS was just annoying and only really done coz it was sitting there and thought it would be cool at the time
chassis is all done now, goes all the way to the firewall. just need to make the mounts for the top arms on the chassis and then make panhard mounts. then get some mig gas and have a day of welding it all up, then it will be able to move again.
only needs the fuel tank back in it to run, got a 120y fuel tank that mounts in that spot at the back and its modded so that it now has the VN intank pump in it
then cut down a commodore tailshaft and make mounts for the centre bearing (2 piece tailshaft) then re direct the exhaust so it clears
need to get an axle cut down for the diff too
lots of sorta smallish jobs but now tht the rears done it should be killing the worlds excess tyres in no time
oh and datsandy, its already got the v6 in and running