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Main : Misc rekitting R31 rear calipers

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rekitting R31 rear calipers
rekitting R31 rear calipersPopular
SubmitterhotrocketMore Photos from hotrocket   Last Update2009/1/10 0:45    Tell a friendTell a friend
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fitted new rubber kit, plus adding chrome and zinc plating to the bling

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2009/1/10 0:54  Updated: 2009/1/10 0:54
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2007/12/20
From: Nyngan, nsw Australia
Posts: 2376
 Re: rekitting R31 rear calipers
im having troubles in pushing the piston back,

ive smeared a little grease around the rubber and piston, plus im using the right tool for the job and still no go??.........

ive also noticed that there a slot on the front of the piston plus theres mark where sumone has tryed it ment to be screwed in not pushed!! trying to fit shoes

help on this guys

Poster Thread
Posted: 2009/1/10 1:35  Updated: 2009/1/10 1:35
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2006/6/8
From: Brisvegas, oz
Posts: 2173
 Re: rekitting R31 rear calipers
im not 100% sure but dont brake pistons usually have the hollow part facing out

Poster Thread
Posted: 2009/1/10 1:57  Updated: 2009/1/10 1:57
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/10/28
From: Geelong, Vic
Posts: 6184
 Re: rekitting R31 rear calipers
nah thats the correct way the piston goes, and yes you need to screw the piston in. or the easier way is to take it all out and screw the handbrake doover into the piston first then just push it all in

they are an arse of a caliper

Poster Thread
Posted: 2009/1/10 5:41  Updated: 2009/1/10 5:41
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2007/12/20
From: Nyngan, nsw Australia
Posts: 2376
 Re: rekitting R31 rear calipers
your tell me stuffing around with it for awhile there,.....
so i ask you guys if sumone would have none how its done..........and thanku Pigdog.