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ang94541 |
Posted: 2010/2/22 11:12 Updated: 2010/2/22 11:12 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 1999/12/6 From: Castro Valley,CA USA Posts: 1191 |
 Re: Greek 1200 Utes Blue= "regular bed" , Red= "long bed"
DD, could you possibly email me the full size image?
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ddgonzal |
Posted: 2010/2/22 21:15 Updated: 2010/2/22 21:15 |
Moderator   Joined: 2001/5/3 From: 48 North Posts: 31682 Online! |
 Re: Greek 1200 Utes Hi Angelo, that is the only image I have. I do not have the original brochure unfortunately. Maybe next time you go you can browse the used bookstores for a copy.
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ang94541 |
Posted: 2010/7/5 9:21 Updated: 2010/7/5 9:21 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 1999/12/6 From: Castro Valley,CA USA Posts: 1191 |
 Re: Greek 1200 Utes
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ddgonzal |
Posted: 2010/7/5 21:42 Updated: 2010/7/5 21:42 |
Moderator   Joined: 2001/5/3 From: 48 North Posts: 31682 Online! |
 Re: Greek 1200 Utes Good pics thank.
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ddgonzal |
Posted: 2015/11/25 0:51 Updated: 2015/11/25 0:51 |
Moderator   Joined: 2001/5/3 From: 48 North Posts: 31682 Online! |
 Re: Greek 1200 Utes Hmmm, that doesn't translate. Maybe it is the wrong characters?
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ang94541 |
Posted: 2015/11/26 15:03 Updated: 2015/11/26 15:03 |
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)   Joined: 1999/12/6 From: Castro Valley,CA USA Posts: 1191 |
 Re: Greek 1200 Utes Here is the regular bed description in caps and in lower case and in english. ΚΑΝΟΝΙΚΗ ΚΑΡΡΟΤΣΑ. κανονικη καρροτσα. kanoniki karrotsa
"Κανονικη" or "κανονικο" means normal
"καρροτσα" means trolley, cart, wagon and refers to the bed of a pickup or ute. Try to copy and Google image that word. A lot of flat beds, horse drawn carts, wagons and pickup trucks show up.
Here is the long bed description in caps, lower case and in english. ΜΑΚΡΥΑ ΚΑΡΡΟΤΣΑ μακρυα καρροτσα. makria karrotsa
Μακρυα basically means long, away or far away. I believe it is usually spelled Μακρια.
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ddgonzal |
Posted: 2015/11/28 5:00 Updated: 2015/11/28 5:35 |
Moderator   Joined: 2001/5/3 From: 48 North Posts: 31682 Online! |
 Re: Greek 1200 Utes Thanks.
i now see that these are different: ΚΑΝΟΝΙΚΗ ΚΑΡΡΟΤΣΑ KANONIKH KAPPOTΣA
Although they look the same, the first is unicode (K=0x039A) while the second is ASCII (K=0x004B). Unfortunately, neither Bing nor Google Translate recognize the second typing. They recognize it as Greek but then translate it funny.