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Main : Mechanical : Body and Interiors DATO_FREAK's 1200 sedan

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DATO_FREAK's 1200 sedan
DATO_FREAK's 1200 sedanPopular
SubmitterDATO_FREAKMore Photos from DATO_FREAK   Last Update2004/4/1 5:28    Tell a friendTell a friend
Hits2882  Comments3    0.00 (0 votes)0.00 (0 votes)
This is what it used to look like before changed my pannels. I used to drive it back and forth from Adelaide S.A to Wagga Wagga N.S.W in a weekend approx 2000km all up. This is with the A12 still and an overdrive 5 speed, its great for long trips and very cheap to run. Best fuel ecconomy i got for an up and back trip (2000km approx) was $130.

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/4/2 1:36  Updated: 2004/4/2 1:36
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/9/25
From: Adelaide
Posts: 594
wow that looks heaps good with the sigma turbo rims on it!!!
nice colour too.

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Posted: 2004/4/1 17:35  Updated: 2004/4/1 17:35
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/1/30
From: Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 467
tuff little sedan buddy...colour's niice..yeah when mine was stocky i made it 2 tha NATS from Ballarat to Adelaide...50 dolars there 50 back....and now with a worked A15 it kinda hurts tha poket a bit more...but sitting there with a full tank and it not going is a bit annoying...

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Posted: 2004/4/1 11:00  Updated: 2004/4/1 11:00
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/11/30
Posts: 597
thats a good drive to complete in a weekend ! go the datto.