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Datto7 2004/4/7 8:25 Tell a friend
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just got the seats back from being recovered, cost me $220 all up. Good deal I thought. |
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Astro_Boy |
Posted: 2004/4/7 9:01 Updated: 2004/4/7 9:01 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2003/12/27 From: Canberra, Australia Posts: 244 |
 Re: seats lookin good! should make the interior feel brand new
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Quinn |
Posted: 2004/4/13 13:42 Updated: 2004/4/13 13:42 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2002/10/7 From: Auckland N.Z Posts: 824 |
 Re: seats is that cloth and new foam on the original bases?