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Main : Misc the sedan

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the sedan
the sedanPopular
SubmitterdatfunboyMore Photos from datfunboy   Last Update2004/4/11 10:21    Tell a friendTell a friend
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Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/4/26 11:24  Updated: 2004/4/26 11:24
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/1/30
From: Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 467
 Re: the sedan
looks tuff man..same mirrors as guessing with no plates its not rego'd...or....should meet one time....

and 1200RC yer haven't u realised sedans are better yet or not...

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/4/26 11:34  Updated: 2004/4/26 11:34
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/2/26
Posts: 1440
 Re: the sedan
Nice sedan mate, sedans rock!!!

But also coupes,utes and wagons can do the business just as well!!


Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/4/26 23:31  Updated: 2004/4/26 23:31
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/12/12
From: wodonga, victoria
Posts: 235
 Re: the sedan
yeah we got a coupe but its trashed and i got a wagon. almost got the colection im working onit all i need is

2 door sedan
2 door wagon
a GOOD condtion coupe

is there anything else

there is a pic of the side i check my profile to see.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/4/27 0:05  Updated: 2004/4/27 0:05
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/8/26
From: Brisbane
Posts: 864
 Re: the sedan
The car looks great! very straight and clean looking sedan!
I got the same rims with my other car
I think they will look greta when polished

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/4/26 10:36  Updated: 2004/4/26 10:36
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/11/30
Posts: 597
 Re: the sedan
looks good ! you dont even notice the sprayed-over front and back bumper bars - they blend in well.
can you post another pic of your wheels if possible. i took 14" wheels off a 200B but im not sure whether or not they came with the 200B originally. I cant see your ones in this picture, on this angle :/ they might be the same

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/4/11 15:53  Updated: 2004/4/11 15:53
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/9/25
From: Adelaide
Posts: 594
 Re: the sedan
looks exactly like mine but ya windows are/look tinted??

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/4/12 5:33  Updated: 2004/4/12 5:33
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/12/12
From: wodonga, victoria
Posts: 235
 Re: the sedan
no the windows arent tinted, i was running out of light last night when i took the photo so its just reflection.

im suprised no one has noticed the landrover indicators on the side, the original ones were f@#ked so they were laying around, i think they look good but thats me.

not a bad paint job considering it was painted in a workshop full of vehciles, the workshop had nothing done in it the whole time the car was being prepared, the second the spray gun was picked up every man and his dog started to want to work in there. it looks good from distance but you can see the defects easy up close.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/4/11 10:28  Updated: 2004/4/11 10:28
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/6/27
From: Southern Tablelands N.S.W. Australia
Posts: 8287
 Re: the sedan
Good camera, straight looking car. How about a side shot so we can see those wheels.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/4/11 10:50  Updated: 2004/4/11 10:50
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/12/12
From: wodonga, victoria
Posts: 235
 Re: the sedan
ok. ill get on to it, the wheels are of a 200B SX model. 14x6

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/4/11 14:17  Updated: 2004/4/11 14:17
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/3/20
From: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 8221
 Re: the sedan
MATE!, thats a very tight looking sedan!!!!

how come all the vic boys seem to go for sedans?, anyway, you gotta come to a cruise or calder or something next time we have a melbourne meet, i wanna see this beast

i think plan is to go to calder next, i should be running my little project up there when she goes, muke was gonna run his but he is having engine issues unfortunately

Poster Thread
Posted: 2004/4/11 10:25  Updated: 2004/4/11 10:25
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/12/12
From: wodonga, victoria
Posts: 235
 Re: the sedan
finally got hold of digital camera. what do you think