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Hitting a Bank at the Clare Rally
120yrally 2004/9/17 6:19 Tell a friend
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This is from the rally of clare last weekend where i hit a bank at about 100km/hr, but good old datsuns, only dented the panel and nothing else, that was until we hit a tree which did nothing more than panel damage again but we finished and won our class and the P1 Autosport Clubman championship for the year!
DATSUN POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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datral_10 |
Posted: 2004/9/17 9:20 Updated: 2004/9/17 9:20 |
Not too shy to talk   Joined: 2003/6/30 From: Sydney, Australia Posts: 39 |
 Re: Hitting a Bank at the Clare Rally Congradulations on winning championship!
I know what that is like as earlier this year I hit 2 banks at the Amsag rally at Port maquarie, I al least hit on the co-drivers side! I hit pretty hard both times and came out with a bent axle, damaged front left hand gaurd and a bent tie rod. Surprisingly both times selected first and kep going, drove almost perfect!