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Main : Misc rotary mounts in 323 spud

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rotary mounts in 323 spud
rotary mounts in 323 spudPopular
SubmitterselfwedgeMore Photos from selfwedge   Last Update2005/1/3 7:24    Tell a friendTell a friend
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ok, so the red engine mount seems to be the original 323 mount, what is the mount circled in green? just as a point of reference to a forum post.

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Posted: 2005/1/4 7:02  Updated: 2005/1/4 7:02
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/12/3
From: Christchurch NZ
Posts: 3707
 Re: rotary mounts in 323 spud
That is a mazda Xmember. Is this car a 323?
I'm pretty sure that RX2,3,4,and 7s all used this type of mounting system.
I think the only ones that were different, were the rotary powered 929cosmos.
Allthough, I have seen the mounts in the red circle used, but it was an UUG-LEEY installation.

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Posted: 2005/1/4 10:13  Updated: 2005/1/4 10:13
Home away from home
Joined: 2004/6/8
From: Palmie, New Zealand
Posts: 155
 Re: rotary mounts in 323 spud
yeh man, as stated in the title it is a 323 hatch aka spud, this is just inrelation to the idea of a 12A in a 1200, the mount in red would be the standard 323 engine mount i presume, and the one in green i want info on, is this just a custom made mount or does it come from an actually rotary and has just been transplanted into the spud for ease of installation of the 12A?

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Posted: 2005/1/4 10:23  Updated: 2005/1/4 10:23
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/3/2
From: Melbourne AUS
Posts: 3300
 Re: rotary mounts in 323 spud
yeah that would be a mazda cross member.. im not 100% sure possibly 1st gen RX7..

the mazda boys mount these crossmembers to theyre normally piston engined mazdas using the sway bar mounts under the chassis rails.. for the ease of rotor fitment..

dont know how well that theory would work in a 1200 becuase of the location of the castor rod fixings....

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Posted: 2005/1/5 7:08  Updated: 2005/1/5 7:08
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/12/3
From: Christchurch NZ
Posts: 3707
 Re: rotary mounts in 323 spud
A bigger problem might be the chasis rail width.

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Posted: 2006/4/30 16:26  Updated: 2006/4/30 16:26
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/5/28
From: Adelaide, South Australia
Posts: 1817
 Re: rotary mounts in 323 spud
You can also do a custom rail.

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Posted: 2006/5/1 0:32  Updated: 2006/5/1 0:32
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/1/7
Posts: 828
 Re: rotary mounts in 323 spud
The front mounts are 12A mounts, 13B's have mounts on the side of the engine.

Yes, it could possibly have come from a Series 1 RX7, but it looks like the bar thats bolted to the engine (painted blue) has been either shortened or is a custom made one. Is that the info you were after?

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Posted: 2006/5/1 3:08  Updated: 2006/5/1 3:08
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/10/28
From: under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
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 Re: rotary mounts in 323 spud
Madtimo you need a rotor again! you r losing your touch.

13b s4 and onwards have the side mounts
13b before s4 had front mounts
12a all had front mounts
changing the front cover on all 13b or 12a is possible to front mounts.

For the others new to rotors... it's a modular engine with many interchangeable parts except rotor housings to accomodate different capacities. (eg 12a needs 12a rotors and housings and 13b needs 13b etc as they are different widths which is the only change to increase capacity)
The front mount crossmember allows ease of installation in many vehicles.
In the 1K (and maybe 1200) a custom front bar can be mounted to where the bumper support arms go. However this pic shows the engine to be too far forward for weight distribution (Good for straight line though) gearbox is too weak for that vicious 13bPP engine but Im sure he already knows that brap braahhpp brapppppp clunk bang.
Problem is if you place the engine further back the steering box gets in the way of a decent exhaust as Ive encountered. I need to tilt the rotor 10 degrees or so and need a custom bellhousing and modified mounts (and huge new tunnel for the supra box

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/1 4:14  Updated: 2006/5/1 4:14
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/1/7
Posts: 828
 Re: rotary mounts in 323 spud
Thanks for the correction D, I've never used a 13B earlier than a S4, so I've only seen the side mounts .

And yes, if thats a 13B PP engine, then change that gearbox!!!

Supra boxes like D is using are awesome, but I can't give enough recommendations for the Series 4 turbo boxes!! Saves you getting a custom bellhousing.