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Main : Members : Mr_Turbo clutch totally bummed out on me

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clutch totally bummed out on me
clutch totally bummed out on mePopular
SubmitterMr_TurboMore Photos from Mr_Turbo   Last Update2005/4/24 1:54    Tell a friendTell a friend
Hits2135  Comments0    0.00 (0 votes)0.00 (0 votes)
um clutch wouldnt disengage so she had to get towed 45mins to get home damn it!
i noticed it like 3 mins up the road but im like hmm if i can just fluke it to work ill get $200 and if i dont go to work ill be down $200 plus the money needed to fix it so drove to work noing i had to get it towed $80 to tow it home on dads car with a hire trailer.. so not happy

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