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Main : Meetings Blue Lake 2005 -- ddgonzal's 2-dr sedan at Canby

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Blue Lake 2005 -- ddgonzal's 2-dr sedan at Canby
Blue Lake 2005 -- ddgonzal's 2-dr sedan at CanbyPopular
SubmitterddgonzalMore Photos from ddgonzal   Last Update2005/7/10 7:18    Tell a friendTell a friend
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The lone entry for "Stock 1200" -- all the others were hot-rodded 1200s

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2009/3/15 15:03  Updated: 2009/3/15 15:03
Just popping in
Joined: 2009/3/15
Posts: 18
 Re: Blue Lake 2005 -- ddgonzal
mine is orangelol

Poster Thread
Posted: 2009/3/15 20:24  Updated: 2009/3/15 20:24
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31636
 Re: Blue Lake 2005 -- ddgonzal
'73D, let's see a photo of yours!

Poster Thread
Posted: 2009/3/16 1:00  Updated: 2009/3/16 1:00
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/10/28
From: under the Firmament LOL no twiglight effect BS
Posts: 10946
 Re: Blue Lake 2005 -- ddgonzal
Looks schmick, gosch I love these sedans especially in this
condition. Maybe some original thin whitewalls could give
it that final touch for a completely factory early 70s japanese classic.
First time I remember seen an early datto without those awful bumpers many japanese 70s cars where forced to have like early honda civics.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2009/3/16 1:05  Updated: 2009/3/16 1:05
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/3/19
From: Perth WA
Posts: 1154
 Re: Blue Lake 2005 -- ddgonzal
did they come from factory with whitewalls?

I love seeing them in stock showroom condition.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2009/3/16 2:41  Updated: 2009/3/16 2:41
Home away from home
Joined: 2004/7/16
From: Huntington Beach, California
Posts: 490
 Re: Blue Lake 2005 -- ddgonzal
Mine could almost be it's twin

Poster Thread
Posted: 2009/3/16 3:18  Updated: 2009/3/16 3:18
Joined: 2001/5/3
From: 48 North
Posts: 31636
 Re: Blue Lake 2005 -- ddgonzal
Twin? More like mirror image, even the steering wheel is on the other side.

Yes, 1200s came stock with whitewall tires, at least in USA

The awful bumpers started in 73, 1200s in 73 got larger rubber pads and a heavier reinforcement ... and in 74 the full-on 'park bench' bumpers were used.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2005/7/11 8:51  Updated: 2005/7/11 8:51
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2005/5/17
From: NSW
Posts: 130
 Re: Blue Lake 2005 -- ddgonzal
When you get sick of it ddgonzal package it up and send it to me...I'd love to have it.