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120fly |
Posted: 2005/10/22 10:50 Updated: 2005/10/22 10:50 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2005/1/18 From: Ipswich,QLD Posts: 950 |
 Re: DATSUN 120 y NEW DASH BOARD PROGRESS So let the story begin So far its come along well ,went to the wreckers on thursday and removed all the dash and its components . Then it was off home and removed the dash from the red Y and removed the metal frame .Next i chopped the magna dash and had a prefitment and checked all areas with a level. All went fine ,next was to cut down the steel 120 y dash frame to fit the magna dash over ,What a ballbreaker to say in the least ,With my frustration Boiling ,I decided to have a break ,Back ito it on saturday ,with a bit more choppin of the magna dash ,I now have the dash in and bonded to the 120 y steel frame ,Ive also keept the original speedo mounts from the 120y and the steering column sits pretty central .the glove box fits up nice and is quit large .
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2QK4U |
Posted: 2005/10/22 10:58 Updated: 2005/10/22 10:58 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2005/4/19 From: Gold Coast, Australia Posts: 744 |
 Re: DATSUN 120 y NEW DASH BOARD PROGRESS would i be able to use the magna air conditioner if i use the sr20 components? might be something to look into later if not.
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120fly |
Posted: 2005/10/22 11:05 Updated: 2005/10/22 11:05 |
Home away from home   Joined: 2005/1/18 From: Ipswich,QLD Posts: 950 |
 Re: DATSUN 120 y NEW DASH BOARD PROGRESS For those with the conversions such as the sr 20 or ca18 or any other engine ,If you can fit the original air conditioner in the engine bay i will be able to fit the original facias and fan swithches and heater box ,This will all come in time i will be opening a factory in ipswich were i will do the dasboard conversions, sone as ive made a few more moulds