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Main : Misc RTE38s A12

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RTE38s A12
RTE38s A12Popular
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Hits2562  Comments14    0.00 (0 votes)0.00 (0 votes)
? Added Bored 50t Hed shave 170t Cam writen on Gard Large Cooling RAD Extractors,Full2in Exhust Full Flow 4 Barral fed AB GAS Over size Valves
Doubble Valve Springs Dobble plate Clutch LOTS OF LUCK LOL If ive a problem Kicking Ass with this and i do at times
Out comes My 280KMPH + GIXXER
Nice Evening All
Cheers u no who

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/11 15:54  Updated: 2006/5/11 15:54
Home away from home
Joined: 2005/11/15
From: Gold Coast Australia
Posts: 752
 Re: RTE38s A12
I really like where this is going. I will keep posted to see the next installment.

P.S. Guys it doesn't really even matter because everyone knows that the only thing that can reach those sorts of speeds is my sunny, geez. lol

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/11 17:25  Updated: 2006/5/11 17:25
 Re: RTE38s A12
Ive owned
Over 30 Bikes so far in my time
Cars about half that
Such as RTE 38 charger
Bikes as in GS 1000
Kaw Z1 900
A few Hond 4s
GT750L water Bottle
And i dont have scas

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/11 14:52  Updated: 2006/5/11 14:52
 Re: RTE38s A12
Mate im 50 we could go on 4 hours
Trust me it goes there
Yousha Cycloan racing use only Exhaust cost on $2000 aloan All so its on the pamplant 280+

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/11 15:31  Updated: 2006/5/11 15:31
Home away from home
Joined: 2004/6/2
From: Kingston , Brisbane
Posts: 467
 Re: RTE38s A12
i bet you think i'm just a kid with no idea but you'd be wrong ,,and a YOSHIMURA muffler isn't going to give it that much of an increase if you want to go into how to rebuild a suzuki inline 4 to make more power bring it on dude I grew up building tough cars and bikes ( and I've got the scars too )

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/11 17:31  Updated: 2006/5/11 17:31
 Re: RTE38s A12
Coorect me if im WRONG
But did i quoat that it givs it moor POWER
As far as bring it on
Ill do that 4 real
Not from a key bord
ILL bet u wont even put your real fhon Number here?
Ive got a $500 Race this month
Ive said my bit Dont have to prove nothing
Nice weekend all

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/11 22:40  Updated: 2006/5/11 22:40
Home away from home
Joined: 2004/6/2
From: Kingston , Brisbane
Posts: 467
 Re: RTE38s A12
Sorry but I'm not going to argue with you because you'll just drag me down to your level and beat me with experience , as for putting my PHONE number up on the net hhhhhmmmmm what a smart idea ??? .

by looking at the pics you've posted I think someone needs a life partner , I stopped bullshitting when I was 16 when will you ??

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/11 23:34  Updated: 2006/5/11 23:34
Home away from home
Joined: 2004/8/14
From: Bris-Vegas
Posts: 726
 Re: RTE38s A12
HaHaHaHa.... Funny $hit!

Why don't you both unzip, get out a tape measure & have a pissing contest.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/11 23:41  Updated: 2006/5/11 23:41
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/9/4
From: sydney
Posts: 3098
 Re: RTE38s A12
This may be a bit off track for this thread, but thats a really nice paintjob on the rocker cover and air filter.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/12 1:29  Updated: 2006/5/12 1:29
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/5/5
From: Okinawa, Japan
Posts: 1292
 Re: RTE38s A12
I was thinking the same thing about the paint... but after seeing the "cockpit" I was expecting a warp drive or flux capacitor in this department.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/12 9:48  Updated: 2006/5/12 9:48
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/2/10
From: torquay, victoooooria, australia
Posts: 2246
 Re: RTE38s A12
This may be a bit off track for this thread, but thats a really nice paintjob on the rocker cover and air filter.

looks good alright kind of like a flow coat finish, i had a pair of rocker cover things off a clubsport done and they came out great, always looks like the paints still wet

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/12 4:16  Updated: 2006/5/12 4:16
 Re: RTE38s A12
Yes u r right,
Just as i thaught
Thank u
As 4 Pissing Comp,Thats a different kind of race As 4 life Partners,Who needs them ?
So u saying, u need some one to hold your hand
Thats cool I wont hold that against u
Have a nice day Man
Cheers Peter

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/12 8:55  Updated: 2006/5/12 8:55
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/9/23
Posts: 2809
 Re: RTE38s A12
Sorry but I'm not going to argue with you because you'll just drag me down to your level and beat me with experience

Why do people think they can win an argument with lame sad arse replies like that?
Comments like that have been used on me numerous times. Sad part is the sad arse felt the need to log in as more than 1 ID to try and discredit me. Very sad.

What the #### is up with people on this forum? So what if you dont like this guys cars etc. Atleast he is out there doing his own thing and not being a sheep.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/14 15:53  Updated: 2006/5/14 15:53
 Re: RTE38s A12
Thank u
Glad some one knows where im coming from

Poster Thread
Posted: 2007/7/1 12:12  Updated: 2007/7/1 12:12
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/5/4
From: Canberra
Posts: 4200
 Re: RTE38s A12
so what did you do with the $500?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/5/11 14:32  Updated: 2006/5/11 14:32
Home away from home
Joined: 2004/6/2
From: Kingston , Brisbane
Posts: 467
 Re: RTE38s A12
meh ,,, as for the 280kph gixxer ,, doubtful , my 03 busa only does just over 300 and it's the fastest streetbike ever built , and a 2005 yamaha R1 pushes 280 just cause the speedo goes to 280 doesn't mean the bike will ... my old katana only did 240 and it was a 750 too ??