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my first datto
my first dattoPopular
Submitterpossum1200More Photos from possum1200   Last Update2006/8/14 10:42    Tell a friendTell a friend
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my first datto, big plans and lots of long nights ahead of me and $$$$$

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Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 22:57  Updated: 2006/8/14 22:57
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/6/6
From: Melbourne
Posts: 497
 Re: my first datto
s##t i dont think ill be gettin up to speeds like that netime soon

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/15 0:59  Updated: 2006/8/15 0:59
Home away from home
Joined: 2005/1/24
From: Brisbane, Queensland
Posts: 410
 Re: my first datto
Nah i just got the stocko speed holes.

I'm waiting for the day when my bonnet fly's up and makes a mess of my roof etc. It looks like it want to come up when i'm just crusing at 100km/h. But when your doing close to 200km/h by the end of the 1/4 its gonna make a mess.

I might make a little device like 2 door tim's 1600. Saves getting pins etc.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/15 2:27  Updated: 2006/8/15 2:27
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2005/5/17
From: NSW
Posts: 130
 Re: my first datto
Nice looking ute....and good to see someone else from Orange NSW has the sense to buy a Datto.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 22:46  Updated: 2006/8/14 22:46
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/6/6
From: Melbourne
Posts: 497
 Re: my first datto
lol wat my ute lacks in speed holes it accelerates faster with the bonnet locks that dont work lol

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 22:52  Updated: 2006/8/14 22:52
Home away from home
Joined: 2005/4/19
From: Gold Coast, Australia
Posts: 744
 Re: my first datto
keep the bonnet locks dude!! ahhaha my brother and i thought his bonnet was gonna blow up at about 170 the other night.... cheesus didnt shut the bonnet properly.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 13:48  Updated: 2006/8/14 13:48
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/6/6
From: Melbourne
Posts: 497
 Re: my first datto
if your referring to the black thingos that look like vents on the b-pillar i think then yes, lol i knew my car was lacking that extra oomph due to the lack of speed holes

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 13:36  Updated: 2006/8/14 13:36
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/6/6
From: Melbourne
Posts: 497
 Re: my first datto
btw has any1 noticed anything missing body wise? you cant see it but the fuel door has been welded and relocated into the tray, but ther is also sumthing else

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 13:44  Updated: 2006/8/14 13:44
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/7/15
From: Brissy
Posts: 551
 Re: my first datto
i know,
it's missing the speed holes...

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 13:09  Updated: 2006/8/14 13:09
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/6/6
From: Melbourne
Posts: 497
 Re: my first datto
plans atm are just minor things such as repainting and polishing/sanding, currently waiting on my fibreglass doortrims so i can get my interior looking alrite, repainting instrument cluster as we speak (seats and intrument clusters were PURPLE!) lol umm in about a month or two ill be getting my leaf springs reset, while working my arse of to save for a stereo system (still undecided as not having power steering and the sound of my exhaust is fun enough atm lol

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 12:53  Updated: 2006/8/14 12:53
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/6/6
From: Melbourne
Posts: 497
 Re: my first datto
sorry forgot to mention that yes it does have a badge on the grill. a nissan badge wich has been painted black for some reason

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 12:55  Updated: 2006/8/14 12:55
Home away from home
Joined: 2005/4/19
From: Gold Coast, Australia
Posts: 744
 Re: my first datto
oh k sweet, i meant the grill is black like b120dats but i mixed it up with the thought of no badge.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 13:02  Updated: 2006/8/14 13:02
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/12/2
From: Brisbane
Posts: 2317
 Re: my first datto
mine lives in a garage too, but park it on drive for photos ...

What are your plans for it?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 12:52  Updated: 2006/8/14 12:52
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/6/6
From: Melbourne
Posts: 497
 Re: my first datto
lol yeh there kinda a bit too familiar but if mine looks half as decent as b120dats im happy. ill measure the struts tomorro after skool. ill stay with the a12 for a while hopefully get twin webers in the distant (very distant) future lol. btw b120dat mine lives in the garage woohoo

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 11:29  Updated: 2006/8/14 11:29
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/6/6
From: Melbourne
Posts: 497
 Re: my first datto
dont know wat front struts it has but are disk brakes so not standard

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 12:29  Updated: 2006/8/14 12:29
Home away from home
Joined: 2005/4/19
From: Gold Coast, Australia
Posts: 744
 Re: my first datto
ok here we go. measure the strut tube, if its 45mm in diameter its a 120Y model strut - if its has PBR caliper on it then its a late model 120Y strut and far better than the early model brakes. if it measures 50mm its a stanza strut. the 1200 disks struts i cant remember are either 45mm or 50mm but im thinking therye 45mm.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 12:38  Updated: 2006/8/14 12:38
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/12/2
From: Brisbane
Posts: 2317
 Re: my first datto
Whats going on here... Give my ute back

Maybe i have inspired a generatoin... Keep it oldskool mate

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 12:43  Updated: 2006/8/14 12:43
Home away from home
Joined: 2005/4/19
From: Gold Coast, Australia
Posts: 744
 Re: my first datto
Dont listen to him!!! fuel injected turbo. way to go. B120dat looks a very similar colour to yours hey.

AND no badge on the grill!!!

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 12:48  Updated: 2006/8/14 12:48
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2002/12/2
From: Brisbane
Posts: 2317
 Re: my first datto
this is eerrry!. I have a dog, and a holden ute, mine was my first datto and I park my ute on my drive!! ....

Narh mate looks really good, i really like 1200s in red ..hope ya learn as much as i have over the years from it!

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 14:10  Updated: 2006/8/14 14:10
Home away from home
Joined: 2005/1/24
From: Brisbane, Queensland
Posts: 410
 Re: my first datto
Poster: 2QK4U Date: 2006/8/14 22:43:42
Dont listen to him!!! fuel injected turbo. way to go

This kid knows what he's talking about!!

Top looking ute mate. Looks just like Rainer's.
Red/maroon 1200's are the best you can get

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 22:44  Updated: 2006/8/14 22:44
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/7/15
From: Brissy
Posts: 551
 Re: my first datto
beattie u must have a ####load of them speedholes in that ute...

cause it goes like the clappers....

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 11:07  Updated: 2006/8/14 11:07
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/6/6
From: Melbourne
Posts: 497
 Re: my first datto
its got an early model a12 with the dizzy up front and alternator on the right side, weber 32/36, a set of extractors (not sure wat brand), 1 3/4 inch exhaust n a fat tip lol thanx for the info on the centre caps, all you datto owners are top blokes i must say

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 10:59  Updated: 2006/8/14 10:59
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/6/6
From: Melbourne
Posts: 497
 Re: my first datto
yeh checked out b120dat's photo's he has got one great looking ute, plans are to repaint the engine block etc and polish alternetor etc such as evil betty has been doing with his "restoration and sale" thread, currently saving for alpine type r system aswell but 8 dollars an hour is slowing things down lol

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 11:04  Updated: 2006/8/14 11:04
Home away from home
Joined: 2005/4/19
From: Gold Coast, Australia
Posts: 744
 Re: my first datto
hey dude, ute looks awsome. what engine? brakes? and struts? if you look on the you should be able to get the centre caps that go over the bearing cap thats showing. Keep her looking good mate.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 11:07  Updated: 2006/8/14 11:07
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2004/7/15
From: Adelaide, Australia
Posts: 3931
 Re: my first datto
Sweet as ute there mate!

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 11:28  Updated: 2006/8/14 11:28
Home away from home
Joined: 2003/7/15
From: Brissy
Posts: 551
 Re: my first datto
thats a really nice ute....
u will have no troubles getting any info on this site.
we are the most helpful crew available....

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 10:48  Updated: 2006/8/14 10:48
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/6/6
From: Melbourne
Posts: 497
 Re: my first datto
hey guy's this is my first datto purchased not long ago wat do you guy's think of it?

Poster Thread
Posted: 2006/8/14 10:56  Updated: 2006/8/14 10:56
No life (a.k.a. DattoMaster)
Joined: 2003/3/2
From: Melbourne AUS
Posts: 3300
 Re: my first datto
looks mint!


looks very similar to another members ute
(b120dat) check out his album

so tell us... whats plans