Re: cam grinds? | Subject: Re: cam grinds? by affordableperformance on 2009/5/24 5:10:15
I use wade cams, they can regrind your old cam to whatever specs you choose. You want lobe seperation angle of 114+ degrees and duration as large as the power range you are chasing, lift as much as your valve train can handle without coil bind or piston to valve clearance. Dont be afraid to go as large as 230/230 @ 50 if your chasing good power @ 3000rpm+ and have good intake/exhaust. The bigger the cam you run the higher the compression you can get away with due to cyl bleed off. Most people recomend baby 210 degree cams for use with boost but you wont make much power with them, cant even hear there in there. Hope that helps ya bud.