Re: L series engines in a 1200 | Subject: Re: L series engines in a 1200 by da71cp on 2012/11/28 17:14:42
If you up the rear axle and put the battery in the back, the L engine is still going to be fine. I think it would be hard to declare an A15 equal to an L16. You might be able to get the A15 and the L16 to the same horsepower points with the same effort, but the L16 has the advantage due to popularity. Plus, even if you DID get an A15 to a healthy high performance, you won't reliably be able to get the power to the ground; there isn't a bolt-in transmission to support it. The L series is simple; get an FS5W71B/C transmission and bolt it up. Done. No cut and shut, no adapter plate, nothing.
The A series has it's place. Plenty of folks build them and successfully race them. I just think that unless you get creative with your transmission options, you're driving a ticking time bomb.
Sure, L engine, bigger gearbox, stronger axle adds weight, but it also adds reliability.
Just my 2 cents, no need to get all emotional.