Re: help needed, 63A transmission diagnosis- lost R, 2nd ,& 4th all at same time | Subject: Re: help needed, 63A transmission diagnosis- lost R, 2nd ,& 4th all at same time by LONGBROW on 2009/4/29 1:34:26
Salutations B2Slow: I would say revhead001 is on the right track; especicially if 1, 3, &5th work. If you are confident in your abilities; you can remove the rear extension housing and inspect/repair yourself as your problem almost certainly lies there. If you are not confident, an experienced transmission tech could more then likely identify and repair your tranny in 10 mins with the rear housing off. You could certainly get a quote for an inspection. Damage to syncros or gears need not be expected for this gripe. Let us know what the cause was ,when you find out.
dattodude: “You could sell the gearbox to a woman my dad knows” LOL