Re: Weight of a 12a rotary? | Subject: Re: Weight of a 12a rotary? by x-zakly on 2009/11/15 8:53:24
this is mainly to 44lex, but anyone that can help me would be much appreciated.. ive got a 1200 ute that im rebuilding and doing an engine upgrade while im at it. i got a series 3 rx7 from a mate pretty cheap wiht a 13b in it. which i have taken out and is going into the ute. ive got the motor sitting in the ute, had to cut a fair bit out of the tunnel and on the left a bit more for the starter motor. i also got engine and gearbox mounts off a guy on ebay for the front of the 13b. do you have any advise for me about this? such as which brakes to use and all that to get it engineered. if you dont mind sending me a pm with any info you can it would be very helpful to me.
and elemental_funk, good choice with the rotor, ive had a few people try to talk me out of it but ive stuck with it and hope it all goes well.
thanks guys