Re: Weight of a 12a rotary? | Subject: Re: Weight of a 12a rotary? by thedevilshands on 2009/11/16 5:28:36
Yep.... thats pretty much what I thought.
I put "roto-bro" in inverted commas to indicate that this was likely very far from the case. You just seem real defensive on this whole topic.
All I was saying is that your sig indicates a general disdain for anything non rotary, and the vitriol you have been throwing smacks of that same attitude.
Indeed you have provided assistance to a fellow club member and you should be commended. Honestly.
But you have also been fairly offensive with your language.
That will just get you the same sort of response.
So thanks for the words of consolation, I do hate to see needless flaming of people with intelligent info to contribute and from the sounds of things that includes you.