Re: F%#@ droped valve? Merry christmas | Subject: Re: F%#@ droped valve? Merry christmas by andrewjdonoghue on 2001/12/26 3:00:00
Use your old A12 cam and distributor and shove em in the A14/A15 engine, rather than get a reground cam. Some A14 engines have a more sporty cam in the depending on pollution controls and previous use (ie difference between a Sunny and a Urvan for instance). These are the one to go for - but you never know the history of import motors unfortunately. If you do decide to hot it up, take my word for it and use the A12 cam and dizzy, it will cost you a lot less and probably work better than half of the performance cams, without the need to try and restrobe/realign distributor afterwards.