Re: A12 - A12A | Subject: Re: A12 - A12A by mareospeedwagon on 2001/12/29 12:31:00
In all of my books, they list an A12 and then they list an A12A and they are as different from each other as the A12 is to the A15. An A12 is not an A12A. They have different CCs, piston bore, rods, camshafts, distributor mounts, intake manifolds and probably a few other things. If it was an A12, the factory would have called it an A12, not an A12A. When someone tells me that they have an A12, I assume that they have an A12, not an A12A just as I assume that they are not talking about an A15. Go buy a gasket set for an A12 and try to use it all on an A12A, it all will not fit. I am sorry, but I just do not need the confusion of someone talking about one motor and in reality, it is another motor that someone is talking about. As far as I know, the only A12A motors that I have seen were in the SCCA race cars last spring. I have seen a lot of A12 motors. If I get confused, just think how confused a young A12 1200 owner will be confused and not ever know the difference. I try to be a purist when it comes to data, generalizations get people in trouble that can become very expensive to someone that can not afford it. Most of us 1200 owners are not rich or we would all be driving a 959 Porsche or an M1 BMW, be real. Mareo