L16 & 5spd into 1200 . | Subject: L16 & 5spd into 1200 . by funkeyman on 2002/5/14 7:34:04
can any one help with info on an L16 & 5spd conversion?. I have a verry sick 1200 ute ( noisy diff , shot tail shaft , loose gearbox & a slipery clutch). I was thinking of fitting a celica 5 spd to my A14 , because its a good , strong motor, but a tailshaft conversion cost is high . ($470 plus gearbox conversion = tooo many $$$$$) , L16's are a dime a dozzen over here ( West Aust) and I dont have a lot of $$$$$ to spend so I think tihs is a cheep alternitive . Im thinking of using a 1500 diff (re stud axles & drums, otherwise a perfect fit @ no cost) . Tail shaft is sill a mystery, most cars with "A"series motors use tailshafts with non replacable uni joints. As for 1500 's and "L" series vehicles , who knows ???. Which datto 5 speed? (over driven not 1:1), datto 1500 utes run 4.6:1 gears. what's the best gearbox choice?. Any help would be greatly apreciated.