Re: piston to valve clearance | Subject: Re: piston to valve clearance by a12datto120y on 2014/5/20 12:40:18
for the valve to block clearance the easiest method i think (probably not the right method) would be to buy those very light valve springs that you use to dial cams in with.
then open up the valve (with head on block bolted down with head gasket) to the max valve lift including rocker ratio etc and see if it contacts the block if not keep going until it touches and read on the dial indicator how far it goes down until contact and find the difference and see if the clearance is sufficient
allowing extra for heat expansion etc etc.
ive never personally done this and im thinking out loud so i would get others input on it.
stock A12 blocks already have notches in them for the valves not sure if it would be sufficient for you bigger valves and greater lift.