Re: can I use a a12 for an inboard boat? | Subject: Re: can I use a a12 for an inboard boat? by old-tin on 2014/10/27 11:21:37
In turbo marine engines the mixer is a pipe that introduces your raw water (sea water) into your exhaust after the turbo for muffling, cooling and an exit for your raw water. there are a few things to be considered when setting this up. #1 exhaust angel: you must have a vary steep exhaust angel after the turbo as you don't want water draining back into your exhaust ports. #2 aqua lift and or flapper valve: an aqua lift is a great muffler and will stop water being forced back up the system on deceleration and reversing. the flapper valve will just help prevent water going up the exhaust. i personally would keep away from the jet ski stuff and use a direct drive with a soft clutch.