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Performance / upgrades for A13

Subject: Performance / upgrades for A13
by Tolkmod on 2016/3/23 4:14:22

Hey guys... I keep going back and forth on the whole engine thing. So i figured i'd at least keep my options open about keeping the A13 in my 1974 Datsun B210 in tact. Maybe adding a few performance parts to help boost the HP a little, so i don't feel like i need to Flintstone the thing to keep up with Southern California traffic.

I'd actually am starting to warm up to the idea of keeping this engine, as it's kind of unique, but at the same time it sucks cause i can't find any parts of the stupid thing.

If needed, I could go for a A14 or A15, but even those are a little rare now to come by now. Just curious as to my options.

And yeah I've looked into an L20b, and even a KA24E/DE swap, and to be honest It just seems like so much overkill, and a crap ton of work. I don't need 150ish HP, but somewhere around 90 to 100 would be nice.

What'cha all think?