Re: Whats the strongest factory a series trans? | Subject: Re: Whats the strongest factory a series trans? by D on 2018/9/12 1:18:39
Ive had many apart from a 120y, gemini, rx7, 240z and Vitara I had the gemini mixed with the vitara v6 which is the same as the 1.6 vitara also on the table of Footscray Auto reconditioning they seem from what they explained to all be the same strength just have different stall setups to suit the engines matched to them. The Gemini 1.6 was the same as the V6 vitara apart from stall converter, oil pressure passages to the stall converter(vitara 4wd unitary transfer box) bellhousing and output shaft were the only differences found. Autos are expensive to manufacture, their internals are a work of art and would be very expensive to have variations in strength. The internals are mostly the same perhaps the clutches were made thinner yet never had one fail except from overheating. Some of us guys playing with them feel the terminology for light duty and normal duty is a marketing term for different torque requirements which is all possible with a few holes and different stall from the 3n71