Re: What's the going rate for a set of SU cores? | Subject: Re: What's the going rate for a set of SU cores? by ddgonzal on 2021/6/24 23:21:48
those are flattop Hitachis from a B210 (B110 used dometops/non-smog version). For more info see our tech article HTC. Rebuilding is easy, there are just some metal washers and some paper gaskets. If they are corroded/rusty its a much bigger problem
working pair 20 years ago $150, 10 years ago $200 ...
cores are $250/pair at ZTherapy Rebuild is $750 + cores from https://www.ztherapy.com
SUs from english cars are cheaper, but the Datsun manifold either way is desirable. MAKE SURE THE special A-series THROTTLE LINKAGE IS INCLUDED