Re: help me build an a14 | Subject: Re: help me build an a14 by Dodgeman on 2003/9/28 14:59:02
Electric pump & fan draws less power from the engine? Let me see if i can get this straight. The electric pump & fan run on electricity which is produced by the altenator, which is in turn run by the engine. Just for the exercise, allow your engine to be running at idle when all warmed up. Next, just turn on the lights, high beam will be good. Notice that the revs drop? Thats because the electrical load is carried by the altenator, which passes this load to the engine via the drive belt.
If you are running a competition car that does not charge the battery when running, then electric pumps etc. will save power, but if you run an altenator, then just remember, there is NO FREE LUNCH. The power to run the electric motors comes from somewhere, & it's the engine that ultimately supplies it. Chris