FS: Datsun 1000 Boot Badges Brand New | Subject: FS: Datsun 1000 Boot Badges Brand New by clyons8 on 2010/12/23 8:31:58
I am getting this on the way, finally.
The manufacture process is pretty complicated for such a simple item but I cannot get a hold of a complete item.
Process involves 2D cutting, utilising two layers to bring the bridge that goes across the bottom of the letters but have it recessed like the factory item. I could easily get them done other wise but that bridging piece ought to be recessed like the factory item.
Following that the pieces are then polished and cleaned and then cast in bronze. Following the casting the pieces are cleaned and de-burred, polished again and then chromed. I will also supply the little clips to secure it.
They should be absolute replica's of the factory item except stronger and missing one minor detail so we can still distinguish between original and repro.
Costs are still up in the air. But show interest here and I can gauge numbers and get quotes.
Image courtesy of subwoffers.