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Re: Dual DCOE vs R1 Carbs
Home away from home
2011/2/12 10:31
From vic
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Posts: 649
I will be going the r1 carb route my self i have just put in a cam and ported then head and the port are alot bigger than the stock manifold holes and they cant be ported to the same size as their just to thin to port that far

so im planning to get a flange cut to match the port size and make my manifold from stainless steel most likely as i dont have a tig to weld alloy

i got a few quotes for the r1 carbs from bike wreckers they all want close to $300 which is quite abit but still alot cheaper than dual dcoes i think

I dont think it takes to much to tune r1 carbs there jets are interchangeable with dgv webers just changing the main jets to like a 1.60mm gets it in the ball park then its fine tuning

theres good info on this forum

Posted on: 2013/11/1 11:19
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Re: smoke and oil from rocker cover breather?
Home away from home
2011/2/12 10:31
From vic
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Posts: 649
the engine block breather pipe is on the pcv

the rocker cover breather is usualy on the air cleaner base but mine goes to the atmosphere at the moment

Posted on: 2013/10/29 9:07
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smoke and oil from rocker cover breather?
Home away from home
2011/2/12 10:31
From vic
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Posts: 649
hi so after installing new cams valves and springs at high rpm it smokes from the rocker cover breather and leaves a patch of oil on my bonnet

it dosnt do it until you hit around 7000rpm or free reving it smoke 7000 to 8500rpm

car drives great has new rings etc 175psi compression on all cylinders

never did it before the new cam so it must be normal for smoke at high rpm? theres no oil burning smoke out the exhaust

also dont have anything hooked to the breather yet just venting out to atmosphere


Posted on: 2013/10/29 8:36
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issues trying to degree my cam??
Home away from home
2011/2/12 10:31
From vic
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Posts: 649
Hi i got a reground cam and im trying to degree it in and im having abit of trouble.

so i first put the cam in and lined up all the marks how it says in the manual but in the manual it says put no1 cyl to TDC but when i do this the crank keyway points way off from where it supposed to be in order to line the cam dowl pin to it

so i ignored this and just aligned the cam dowl pin to the crank key in a straight line and put the timing chain onto the dots (10 links)

know the problem i have is dialing it in I have a dial gauge and degree wheel and found true TDC

i rotated the engine till there was no lift in the intake (lobe pointing down) then i zeroed my dial gauge.

i then rotated the crank till it read 0.050inch on the dial gauge and my cam card says opening shuld be 8.5btdc and this is exactly what i got and repeated for the exhasut side and i got opening of 46.5 BBDC which is also correct

but when i got to measure both the closing times of the intake and exhaust valves i get something totaly different the exhasut closing at 0.050inch i get 116 degree ABDC or 66degree from TDC

the spec sheet says 0.5 ATDC

they way i measured the closing is once the lobe is at its higest point i zero the dial guage and turn it 0.050inch (so the valves start to close that much) then this should give me the reading i need right?

or am i doing this wrong?

also how do i find total lift i thought you zero the dial gauge at zero lift and keep turning till the gauge stops and that will gove me my total lift but i get a wrong reading according to the cam sheet (talking about timing ADV is what it says on cam sheet so i think thats the total cam lift?)


Posted on: 2013/10/20 2:24
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Re: new valves for A12?
Home away from home
2011/2/12 10:31
From vic
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Posts: 649
Yer it makes alot more sense to do that but have to get a manifold and heads arnt cheap either

Most of the cash goes towards university fees so just trying to work with what i have haha


Posted on: 2013/10/13 22:18
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new valves for A12?
Home away from home
2011/2/12 10:31
From vic
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Posts: 649
Hi i just need some info on valves before I place an order tommorow.

i will be porting the head and getting the cam reground so whilst getting new valves i was thinking to get A14 valves which are 2mm bigger in the inlet and 1mm on the exhaust

so my question is can i just use the same A12 valve seats with the bigger valves with no sealing issue?

the inside of the valve seat will be opened up abit so it can flow more with the bigger valves.


Posted on: 2013/10/13 12:14
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Re: What kind of cam grind will i need?
Home away from home
2011/2/12 10:31
From vic
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Posts: 649
ah right sorry i missed that it was a L series


Posted on: 2013/10/12 12:47
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Re: What kind of cam grind will i need?
Home away from home
2011/2/12 10:31
From vic
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Posts: 649
hey crumb you mention a wade 74 and 72 camshaft i cant seem to find it in there catalouge

is it a camshaft from this list?


Posted on: 2013/10/12 12:29
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Re: knocking/ tapping noise??
Home away from home
2011/2/12 10:31
From vic
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Posts: 649
hmm okay il check the piston skirts tommorow

the motor was rebuilt 20000km ago with new bearings pistons and everything so i might leave these bearings in there and spend the money on cams and valve springs.

I hope i do find the knocking issue as i dont want to put it all together and it knocks again

the knocking seemed to come from the valve train area loudest near number 3 and 4 pistons

also whilst the head is apart i will be putting new valves in so my question is i want to put in a14 valves i think its 2mm bigger on the inlet and 1mm bigger on the exhaust valve (along with the ported head and cam it should be of some benefit)

so will these 2mm and 1mm bigger valves fit with the standard A12 valve seat size? i have heard some people say its okay if you port out a bit of the inner seat so it can flow more but some say you need bigger seats for the valves to sit and seal properly?


Posted on: 2013/10/12 12:21
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Re: knocking/ tapping noise??
Home away from home
2011/2/12 10:31
From vic
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Posts: 649
okay so i pulled the head and took apart the valves springs

and a few valves wont come out of the guides the top were the collets sit the metal has flared abit on the edge of the stem so it wont come out

so i think this may be my knocking issue as the sound did come from the valve train



Posted on: 2013/10/12 8:13
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