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Re: datsun b310 wheel hub and c22 disc
Home away from home
2013/12/3 4:41
Registered Users
Posts: 369
Any advise....?

Posted on: 2013/12/7 4:32
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Re: datsun b310 wheel hub and c22 disc
Home away from home
2013/12/3 4:41
Registered Users
Posts: 369
i think, i didnt make myself clear here.. the idea is like in the drawing.

the spacer placed in between the stock wheel hub and c22 disc. both the stock wheel hub and c22 disc doesn't have threaded holes. as per the drawing, the red holes are to bolt the disc to spacer. and the blue holes to bolt the wheel hub to the spacer.

The machine shop guy didnt thread the red holes, and the holes are little bit bigger, so cant fit the original bolt if threaded. instead of making new spacer, he just drill new threaded holes in between red and blue holes.

now im thinking to drill a new holes for wheel hub bolts as per the markings in the picture attached. so the spacer will be with 16 holes. ( but only 8 usable.)

the weight of the spacer will reduce, but worried that the extra 8 unusable holes will weaken the spacer.

excuse my bad English. :)

Attach file:

jpg  dat3.jpg (197.40 KB)
17554_52a1a721d24b7.jpg 800X600 px

png  spacer.png (11.90 KB)
17554_52a1a72cb3d1f.png 499X477 px

Posted on: 2013/12/6 10:30
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datsun b310 wheel hub and c22 disc
Home away from home
2013/12/3 4:41
Registered Users
Posts: 369
hi guys.. here i'd like to seek advise.

currently im modding the c22 disc and caliper to my b310 wheel hub. im doing this in order to fit in 13" rim and unchanged offset.
i've sent the complete strut/knuckle to the machine shop to fabricate the spacer between c22 disc and stock wheel hub. and caliper bracket.
while working on the spacer, the guy didnt thread the hole for bolt from disc. instead, he drill new threaded hole beside tht. pictures attached.
im wondering its strong enough and any balancing issue...

pls advice. thanks.

Attach file:

jpg  dat2.jpg (170.93 KB)
17554_52a1864d738ee.jpg 600X800 px

jpg  dat1.jpg (79.48 KB)
17554_52a1865def0a6.jpg 600X800 px

jpg  dat3.jpg (123.20 KB)
17554_52a186752eb77.jpg 800X600 px

Posted on: 2013/12/6 8:10
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Re: b310 axle with lsd
Home away from home
2013/12/3 4:41
Registered Users
Posts: 369

Posted on: 2013/12/6 7:57
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Re: b310 axle with lsd
Home away from home
2013/12/3 4:41
Registered Users
Posts: 369
thanks mate. if i managed to get the s110 axle, does the lsd unit need to be services? due to the age...

Posted on: 2013/12/6 3:13
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Re: b310 axle with lsd
Home away from home
2013/12/3 4:41
Registered Users
Posts: 369
thanks. my friend saw few jdm c22 axles with disc brake , swaybar, and LSD.

Posted on: 2013/12/3 9:04
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b310 axle with lsd
Home away from home
2013/12/3 4:41
Registered Users
Posts: 369
hi guys.. im a newbee from malaysia. i had my 1st b310 10 years back. thn was driving bmw e30. due to my love on datsun, i have recently purchased b310 again.

i have an idea to take out the lsd (just the LSD) from s13 ca18det and mod into b310 axle housing.. of course with modification... is it possible?

please advice..

Posted on: 2013/12/3 4:56
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