well bob, if you go to www.datnet.org and click on the cruise link then go to the first ever sydney cruise, you will see a 2 door sedan that is in oz. i must admit its the only 2 door sedan i've seen in oz.
i happen to be one of those volunteer fire fighters working on those fires. some of them are real shit scary. 60-75 foot high flames racing towards you sorta kinda makes me jump back in the truck and move to a different position to fight it.
we are having a hard time as headquarters are dickheads but we are doing our best to get it all under control. however the weather isnt going our way at the moment.
i've been at it since boxing day. 26th december. i'll be back into it again on sunday after my day off on saturday.
i just used genuine plugs with my A15 and the ywere magic.
as for the LRP fuel, if your running an A15 head then you can run premium unleaded til the cows come home. optimax will actually be better for your engine than super is.
run straight on premium all the time. i did with mine and never had troubles.
i see where your coming from mareo as i think the same way. however, the later models utes we have over here, around late 79 to 85, came out with the B210 motor which in short, looks like an A14/15. we had both configurations of A12. front dizzy and middle dizzy. i totally agree with what your saying but we did come with both styles of A-series.
keep the ute diff. it has bigger axles than the stock sedan and coupe diffs. get hold of a series 3 blue bird 3.9 or 3.7:1 centre and bolt that straight in as the axles and bearings are exactly the same. better yet, get hold of a complete diff with one of those centres and swap the disc brakes over as well coz they are a bolt on job same as the diff centre.
that way you've got a good ratio, and disc brake arse end to boot.
i've got an overdrive 5 speed sitting in my shed for sale with a complete hydraulic brass button clutch setup to go with it.