More info on the event being held on
SUNDAY 28 FEBRUARY 2010Its open to all Japanese vehicles built upto and including 1985.
Costs to enter your car into the show is $10 per car up to 2 cars or $25 for three and over owned by the same person.
Gates open to the entrants from 7.30am and spectators from 9am. Its free to spectate.
Venue : EARNSHAW STATE COLLEGE Cnr Earnshaw and Tuffnell Rds Banyo 4014. UBD Map 121 Ref E11
Food and drink stall will be available.
Here is a chance to show off your older ride no matter what condition to the rest of the Japanese enthusiast community.
There will be trophies: peoples choice, encouragement, and a couple more. So don't be shy come on out and show off your pride and joy.
If you want more info ring Marek 0418 410 443 or email to Tim 0413 812 204 or email Alan 0416 312 189 or email note too this is open to anything Japanese pre 1985 built. Motorbikes, Tractors, Forklifts, rockbreakers, Trucks, people, etc etc.I'll keep everyone posted with more info on the June event when it gets closer, Cheers Miss Datsun