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Re: dr datto queensland
Not too shy to talk
2008/12/29 4:24
Registered Users
Posts: 37
Hi Guys

Someone gave me a heads up by email there was a post

Posted on: 2010/7/29 0:18

Edited by Dr_Datto on 2010/7/29 0:33:59
Edited by Dr_Datto on 2010/7/29 0:46:40
Edited by Dr_Datto on 2010/7/29 1:16:34
Edited by Dr_Datto on 2013/4/9 3:07:56
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Re: the all japanesse classic day
Not too shy to talk
2008/12/29 4:24
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Posts: 37
Thanks iDatto just realised you also posted the link up so i've just attached a couple of pics of your ute for you, sorry if I missed any as know i didn't get to some cars for photos, looking forward to see everyone out there supporting the June event open to any year model of Japanese vehicle.

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Posted on: 2010/3/2 9:35

Edited by Dr_Datto on 2013/4/11 9:11:33
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Re: Queensland Japanese Car Shows in 2010
Not too shy to talk
2008/12/29 4:24
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Posts: 37
Hi everyone, here's a link to pics from the day, sorry if I missed any as know i didn't get to some cars for photos.

About 60 cars registered on the day, but alot scared away by the weather, especially Brisbane didn't stop raining all day on Saturday and Doomben race track ruined by festival fever and then Tsunami warnings! but we were happy the rain stayed away long enough to hold the event and I was surprised the area they held it on was really dry and hard ground so will know its a perfect spot if wet weather ever falls again on these events! so we're looking forward to a big event in June for any year model of Japanese vehicles, even though it was a small event it was a enjoyable day out meeting some great car enthusiasts!

Posted on: 2010/3/2 9:25

Edited by Dr_Datto on 2013/4/11 9:13:52
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Re: Queensland Japanese Car Shows in 2010
Not too shy to talk
2008/12/29 4:24
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Posts: 37
One week to go everyone for the February pre 1985 show at Banyo, Dr Datto group will have quite a few cars there and we'll post photos and videos up on our site after the event. More Japanese car shows the better I say also Gypsy.

Hey Rod, hope to catch up if your still heading up this way shortly, Cheers Kerrie

Posted on: 2010/2/19 1:10
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Re: Queensland Japanese Car Shows in 2010
Not too shy to talk
2008/12/29 4:24
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Posts: 37
More info on the event being held on SUNDAY 28 FEBRUARY 2010

Its open to all Japanese vehicles built upto and including 1985.

Costs to enter your car into the show is $10 per car up to 2 cars or $25 for three and over owned by the same person.

Gates open to the entrants from 7.30am and spectators from 9am. Its free to spectate.
Venue : EARNSHAW STATE COLLEGE Cnr Earnshaw and Tuffnell Rds Banyo 4014. UBD Map 121 Ref E11

Food and drink stall will be available.

Here is a chance to show off your older ride no matter what condition to the rest of the Japanese enthusiast community.

There will be trophies: peoples choice, encouragement, and a couple more. So don't be shy come on out and show off your pride and joy.

If you want more info ring Marek 0418 410 443 or email to
Tim 0413 812 204 or email
Alan 0416 312 189 or email

Please note too this is open to anything Japanese pre 1985 built. Motorbikes, Tractors, Forklifts, rockbreakers, Trucks, people, etc etc.

I'll keep everyone posted with more info on the June event when it gets closer, Cheers Miss Datsun

Posted on: 2010/1/10 4:28

Edited by Dr_Datto on 2010/1/11 12:24:17
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Queensland Japanese Car Shows in 2010
Not too shy to talk
2008/12/29 4:24
Registered Users
Posts: 37
Please find details below on the two coming cars shows for 2010

which are being staged jointly between the Rising Sun Collectors Register of Australia and the Mazda "Four of Clubs" Car Club.


Open to all Japanese Vehicles built up to and including 1985. Three trophies by people's choice only. Admission for show cars is $10 for up to two vehicles or $25 for three vehicles and over owned by the same person. Full catering on-site for food and drinks. Venue is Earnshaw State College on Earnshaw Rd, Banyo, Qld

Ring Alan on 0416 312 189 for further details or email to:


Open to all Japanese Vehicles irrespective of build date. Three trophies by people's choice only. Admission for cars is $10 for up to two vehicles or $25 for three vehicles and over owned by the same person. Full catering on-site for food and drinks. Venue is the Earnshaw State College on Earnshaw Road, Banyo Qld

Ring Alan on 0416 312 189 for further details or email to:

Alan Taylor
Rising Sun Collectors Register of Australia
PO Box 84, Banyo Qld 4014

Posted on: 2010/1/10 4:27
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Re: Australian Auction site
Not too shy to talk
2008/12/29 4:24
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Posts: 37
Hi Guys,

After 4hrs of arguements with ebay today via phone calls and emails, starting at 10am this morning about employees, ex-employess, my boss and work collegues accounts being suspended due to being linked to our ebay account by way of ip computer addresses off 3-4 computers we use...let alone I cannot look up my sold or won items to contact people to try and pay them or make sure items are sent or have arrived...Ebay have finally informed me tonight that those accounts and ours will be re-instated approximately midday Thursday 10 December, therefore I will start to put up parts Thursday night and through the weekend on ebay.

Thankyou to everyone who have understood and been a great support.

Posted on: 2009/12/7 10:14

Edited by Dr_Datto on 2009/12/10 12:43:18
Edited by Dr_Datto on 2013/4/11 9:17:35
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Re: Australian Auction site
Not too shy to talk
2008/12/29 4:24
Registered Users
Posts: 37
Hi Guys,

Due to the ongoing dramas of ebay (feebay I've heard it nicknamed) and when i had spent three nights till 1am to load my new stock of merchandise on there and not being able to sell them for now in the busy xmas shopping time I have returned to OZtion and opened up a store (and no listing fees with Oztion!)

There will be some parts also going up gradually during the week when photos are taken.

Posted on: 2009/12/7 6:35

Edited by Dr_Datto on 2013/4/11 9:18:58
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Re: Dr Datto DatNats09 Photos & News
Not too shy to talk
2008/12/29 4:24
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Posts: 37
Thanks BEN510 for chucking some A series pics up for the guys! and soz forgot to put your aerial shot up for you! took me quite a while to get the one's up that I did.

Posted on: 2009/4/19 0:12

Edited by Dr_Datto on 2013/4/11 9:20:26
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Re: Dr Datto DatNats09 Photos & News
Not too shy to talk
2008/12/29 4:24
Registered Users
Posts: 37
Here's also some great pics by turbovan on, little bit of a different mixture...

Posted on: 2009/4/17 6:07
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