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random I sure like my little datsun powered car
Just can't stay away
2014/1/18 5:51
Registered Users
Posts: 137
I have the choke mostly working right for summer. Winter here gets down to -30C and summer gets up over 40C, and I end up fiddling with the choke settings a lot. But it's working well for warm trending towards hot, and I've been driving it about half the time, and it's so nice. The car gets 50% better fuel economy than my 2010 car that cost me like 6x as much, and every time I go out, someone says something about it, usually "hey what engine does that have?" and I get to tell them about how nicely the A14 has treated me over the years.

Posted on: 2024/6/12 6:19
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engine dimensions
Just can't stay away
2014/1/18 5:51
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Posts: 137
I'm trying to find the whole engine dimensions somewhere: how far is it from the bottom of the oilpan to the top of the oil fill cap? Is there a dimensioned drawing anywhere? I'm trying yet another engine swap, putting an A14 into another really tiny car, and I'd love to see a side drawing. I just measured one of mine with a yardstick and came up with "about 500mm" but I'd sure like something more accurate.
Also, I sure wish the oil filler cap were on the rear rather than the front. Maybe it's time to fabricate a valve cover.
Anyway. If there's a page on the wiki that has a dimensioned drawing I'd love to know about it. I've been looking for a while and haven't found it.

Posted on: 2024/3/25 16:38
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Re: double-sheave Crankshaft Pulleys
Just can't stay away
2014/1/18 5:51
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Posts: 137
It's weird to me that both my A14 engines had triple sheave pulleys (both different) but neither came from a car that was equipped with anything other than the water pump/alternator, so they're both a waste of two sheaves. Probably the result of long ago repairs/alterations.

Posted on: 2024/1/16 4:05
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Re: Tech Wiki improvements
Just can't stay away
2014/1/18 5:51
Registered Users
Posts: 137
I've noticed the photobucket situation getting better: thanks!

Posted on: 2024/1/16 4:02
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Re: crank pulley upgrade: advice wanted
Just can't stay away
2014/1/18 5:51
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Posts: 137
That Ross balancer is beautiful.
I'm trying for a bit more power at low RPM for a street car. Otherwise, I might be going through the couch for coins to try to afford that.

Posted on: 2024/1/12 5:03
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Re: crank pulley upgrade: advice wanted
Just can't stay away
2014/1/18 5:51
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Posts: 137
Random related question: these are mostly called harmonic balancers on ebay. All the harmonic balancers I've played with on other cars have rubber mounts with weights inside the pulley so they damp vibrations. The one I pulled off my spare engine is just a chunk of steel. There's no harmonic anything, is there?

Posted on: 2024/1/10 4:12
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Re: crank pulley upgrade: advice wanted
Just can't stay away
2014/1/18 5:51
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Posts: 137
After seeing these and reading a bit more, I'm pretty tempted to make a single groove pulley that I've notched one edge to a 36-1, with the blower pulley on the end. I dunno why it didn't occur to me that notching the edge of the pulley would work. I have one of the 1cm thick cast iron ones, but it would solve so many problems if I got to omit that.

Posted on: 2024/1/10 4:02
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crank pulley upgrade: advice wanted
Just can't stay away
2014/1/18 5:51
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Posts: 137
I have a stock B210 A14 motor.
What I'd like to do is replace the crank pulley.
1: increase the size of the largest pulley a little so that it drives the water pump faster because in the summer, 40C, my car runs hot. (Not a 1200, smaller radiator.) But that's just a kinda want.
2: add an edis trigger wheel. I already have this and I've modified a 210 pulley with my lathe so that the trigger wheel slips on. I can easily braze it on if I decide I'm committed.
3: a friend just gave me a small Eaton supercharger, so it'd be neat to have a 25mm wide drive belt, and for the supercharger in question, that would be about 7"/18cm in diameter.

If you were doing this, how would you arrange these three things on a pulley? Which one on the inside/outside? I can move the water pump and alternator pulleys in/out if I need. I kinda feel like EDIS closest to the engine, then the v-belt, then the supercharger drive.


I'd probably fabricate this out of billet steel. I'm going to have to borrow a lathe, though, since mine only can swing about 15cm.

Posted on: 2024/1/9 5:40
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Re: Electric Brake Booster
Just can't stay away
2014/1/18 5:51
Registered Users
Posts: 137
I've never seen a brake extender before. How cool!

Posted on: 2024/1/9 5:24
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Re: 1.85inch Alternative SU carb for under 50usd Ultima SS copy
Just can't stay away
2014/1/18 5:51
Registered Users
Posts: 137
Weird that at least on US ebay, when you search for this by "lowest price" they're all $65 but when you search under the name "super e carb" you see some in the $53 range. Still, interesting!

Posted on: 2023/12/15 5:10
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